Thunder Shot Jr.

Bodyshell: Thundershot Jr. Polycarbonate Chassis: FM-A This is the machine that I use to join competitions at The Brickyard Lil's Hobby Center. Since i'm a newbie to the official tamiya open class category and don't have the skills and the tools to cut carbon and cut chassis accurately, a friend of mine offered and recommended me to purchase some parts from because every workpieces sold are from Tamiya and are accurately cut using CNC machines. The parts from project M that i got are an HG Auto Track bumper, an HG front lantern for FM-A chassis, and a bumperless FM-A chassis. For the color scheme, I chose the colors blue, red, and white as a homage to the colors of the Tamiya logo.

2020/05/04 23:03:21


  • BLUE



  • サンダーソニック
  • サンダーショットMk.Ⅱ
  • K4ギャンボー
  • ラウディーブル
  • K4ギャンボー
  • K4ギャンボー


Paul Padua

Thank you @ avante racing! :)

RINOO Racing(元Avante Racing)

The splash painting on the body is very cool!

Paul Padua

Thank you for your compliment Sir Kenboo. :)


thunder Shot!Very Nice‼️
