Go Wild HOTSHOT!!!

Another Street Mini 4WD. Built on MS Chassis It features front double arms suspension with 5° kick-up to make the front suspension be able to actuate better over uneven terrain. On rear I use inner suspension but not like the other inner suspension, I cut the bearing seat from the gear cover so both the left side and the right side can move independently from each other. I also mounted a pair of mass damper to help it absorbs bumps. The default wheelbase is 80mm but can be changed to 82mm make it compatible to gear ratio 3.5:1 up to 7.5:1. The front roller angled inwards to maximize contact with guide stick and I make the central roller able to move up and down freely make it acts like mass dampers to help absorbs shock from bumps and jumps. I use polycarbonate Astute rear wing, turn it backwards and mount it to a piece of thin plastic from PET bottle making it flexible to prevent it from breaking in case the machine got flipped.

2018/07/28 10:40:35




  • レッドアバンテマークⅢ(2019年)
  • シゲイル
  • デュアルリッジ
  • アバンテとマークIII
  • ブルーアバンテマークⅡ(2018年)
  • サンダーショット



thank you bro!

male-o male

keren bro !! hehe
